Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Look, New Format, New Travels!

Hello everyone, Life has been calm recently, with my focus turning towards my next travels, my earning money for those next adventures, and - sadly - a little break from writing. Alas! I have, or will in a month, return with regular updates to this blog. I am taking an open ended trip to Sweden starting in April, with stops in New York City and Helsinki, Finland. I will use Göteborg, Sweden as my base, but I plan to travel within the region and Europe a bit, and hopefully I will trek to a special place outside of the continent (I cannot give away all my secrets!). As you, the astute reader may have noticed, I have also switched the focus a little of the blog (see above "description" text) to focus on causes, actions, experiences and other interesting things I believe in. You will still get my anecdotal stories, but I decided I would shed some light and hone in on these cool little topics while I travel. I hope you enjoy this new mad method and keep track of my communication! love from the depths of Austin, Texas, Taylor